Prof. Dr. Tim Hahn
Heisenberg Professor for Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics in Psychiatry
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Tim is a machine learner and neuroscientist. He studied psychology, received a PhD in neurobiology, and has worked in Machine Learning for more than 15 years. He has co-founded several Artificial Intelligence (AI) start-ups and acts as an expert consultant for national and international funding agencies, AI companies, and foundations. Since 2019, Tim is Heisenberg Professor for Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics at the Institute of Translational Psychiatry in Münster, Germany. Tim and his team focus on translational ML research for patient care, Machine Learning software development, and infrastructure for AI in medicine. Their aim is to bring state-of-the-art Machine Learning tools and predictive models for personalized medicine into clinical practice.
Biomarkers for Major Depressive Disorder
Considering that biological psychiatry is built on the premise that mental disorders have a neural basis, it is essential for the field to derive biomarkers of MDD informative on the level of the individual patients.
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